Spelling Bee Contest 2017-2018

The Spelling Bee is an annual contest organized by Bahan International Science Academy (BISA) since 2008. The purpose of this contest is to help students improve their spelling, increase their vocabulary, learn concepts, and develop correct English usage that will help them throughout their lives.

We are excited to host the Annual Spelling Bee contest at our Shu Khinn Thar International College Campus. There will be two levels: Junior and Senior. The grades for each level and contest dates are as follows:

Levels Grade Contest Date
Junior Year 4-6/Grade 3-5 February  17, Sat 09:00 – 12:00
Senior Year 7-9/Grade 6-8 February 17, Sat 12:30 – 15:30

We will offer three prizes for each level. They are as follows:

Rank Junior Senior
1st Place 120,000 Kyats 120,000 Kyats
2nd Place 90,000 Kyats 90,000 Kyats
3rd Place 75,000 Kyats 75,000 Kyats


We would like to invite 24 of your best spellers 12 students from Year 4-6/Grade 3-5 and 12 students from Year 7-9/Grade 6-8 to participate in the Spelling Bee contest. Registrations can be completed at either Bahan International Science Academy, Po Sein or Shu Khinn Thar International College, Shu Khinn Thar Myo Pat Road before February 9, 2018. Registration is free of charge. Participants are requested to submit one passport-size photo at the time of registration.

The word list, registration form, poster and the rules governing this contest are enclosed. If you have any questions concerning the contest, please contact Ms. Ei Mon Kyaw (Shu Khinn Thar Campus) at (01) 450396, 450397 or Ms. Kyae Mone (Po Sein Campus) at (01) 551795, 551796, 543926.


Spelling Bee Rules and Regulations

1.Only 24 students may participate from each school: 12 students for the junior session (Year 4-6/Grade 3-5) and 12 students for the senior session (Year 7-9/Grade 6-8). Only students recommended by the participating schools can take part in the competition.

2.The competition will be held on Saturday, February 17, 2018 at Shu Khinn Thar International College Campus, starting at 9 am for the Junior Category and 12:30 pm for the Senior Category.

3.The spelling list for both junior and senior categories will be available on our website from January 15, 2018 at bfi-edu.com. Words asked in the contest will be from that list.

4.Your English language department should submit names of participants to Bahan International Science Academy (BISA), Po Sein or Shu Khinn Thar International College, offices by February 9, 2018.

5.Participants must register including a complete registration form. Participants will not be admitted to the competition without (picture) ID. Registration is free.

6.Participants should arrive at least 45 minutes before the start of their part of the competition.

7. The competition has two stages, an evaluation stage and a final stage. In the evaluation stage, all the students will sit for the written format of the Spelling Bee. A random list of thirty (30) words will be read. At the speller request, the announcer will pronounce the word, define the word, and use the word in a sentence again. Twenty students per section will be shortlisted for the final stage.

8.The final stage will be conducted orally in two sessions. Students will take rounds to spell words. Three words will be asked at the beginning of the oral round. Those who spell at least two of those words correctly will move on to the second round. In the second and all subsequent rounds, students will be given a single word. Student who spell the word correctly, will move on to the next round, the rest eliminated. Rounds will continue until there is a single participant remaining.

9.Participants will be given 30 seconds to spell each word both in written round and 30 seconds in the oral round.

10.In the oral stage, the announcer will pronounce the word. The speller may ask the announcer to pronounce the word, define and to use the word in a sentence again. The announcer will grant all such requests until the judges agree the word has been pronounced reasonably clearly to the speller.

11.In the oral round judges will disqualify any speller who fails to begin spelling a word within 15 seconds after being given the word or its definition. The timekeeper will announce that time has expired by saying ‘Time!’. If the timekeeper says ‘Time’ before the speller has started spelling a word, the speller will be disqualified.

12.Judges’ decision is final.

13.The top 20 contestants from each category will receive certificates of participation.

[embeddoc url=”http://www.bfi-edu.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Senior-spelling-list-Seen-2018.docx” download=”all”]

[embeddoc url=”http://www.bfi-edu.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Junior-Spelling-list-2018.docx” download=”all”]

Please Download Application From

[embeddoc url=”http://www.bfi-edu.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Spelling-Bee-App-Form.pdf” download=”all”]