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Cambridge International A Level Programme

Cambridge International A Level Programme

We are now offering world-class Cambridge International AS & A Levels at our Shu Khinn Thar International College. Cambridge programmes and qualifications have a proven reputation for being an excellent preparation for university, employment and life and are offered over 10000 schools in more than 160 countries. Thousands of learners worldwide gain places at leading...

September 6, 2017September 6, 2017by
Gold Medal in Taekwondo

Gold Medal in Taekwondo

We are proud to announce that Thet Htar Thu Zar,  Year 8 student from Shu Khinn That International College won a Gold Medal in States and Division Taekwondo Competition 2017 which was hold in Nay Pyi Taw on the 4-6 July of 2017. Thet Htar Thu Zar represented Yangon in the mentioned competition. All the teachers...

September 6, 2017September 6, 2017by
Achievements in Golf Competition

Achievements in Golf Competition

We are happy to announce that Zwe Htet Aung from IGCSE Year 10 and Min Htet Aung from Year 8 won at the Junior Golf Competition held at Pun Hlaing Golf Club on August 2th, 2017. Min Htet Aung got the 3rd place trophy for under 14 category and Zwe Htet Aung got the 2nd place trophy...

September 6, 2017September 6, 2017by


၂၀၁၇ ခုႏွစ္ ဇြန္ လတြင္ စစ္ေဆးခဲ႔ေသာ IGCSE စာေမးပြဲတြင္ ထူးခၽြန္စြာေအာင္ျမင္ခဲ႔ေသာ ကၽြႏု္ပ္တို႔၏ေက်ာင္းသူ/ေက်ာင္းသားမ်ားကို BFI Education Services မွ ဂုဏ္ယူ၀မ္းေျမာက္ေၾကာင္း ေၾကျငာအပ္ပါသည္။ * IGCSE စာေမးပြဲတြင္ 4A* ႏွင့္အထက္ရရွိေသာေက်ာင္းသူေက်ာင္းသားမ်ားႏွင့္ တကၠသိုလ္၀င္တန္း စာေမးပြဲတြင္၄ဘာသာဂုဏ္ထူးႏွင့္အထက္ရရွိေသာေက်ာင္းသူ/ေက်ာင္းသားမ်ား Shuu Khin Thar International College တြင္ Cambridge A level Programme ကို Scholarship (ပညာသင္ဆု) ေလွ်ာက္ထားႏိုင္ပါသည္။ 160 A*s & A’s out of 328 Total Papers (Almost half of the papers)

September 6, 2017September 6, 2017by
Great success at ISPRO Olympiad 2014

Great success at ISPRO Olympiad 2014

Our Grade 7 students Angela @ Mia Mia and Flora @ Shaun Lea took part in the 2nd ISPRO (International Science Project Olympiad), held in Indonesia which hosted 129 participants from 24 countries around the world.

September 6, 2017September 6, 2017by
Olympiad Achievements 2014

Olympiad Achievements 2014

Horizon International School remains loyal to its tradition of representing Myanmar in the academic arena around the globe. The recent achievements of our students in international competitions and the ones we are looking forward to in the upcoming weeks are the result of the students’ and their teachers’ hard work. It is a firm confirmation...

September 6, 2017September 6, 2017by
Great success at GENIUS Olympiad 2014

Great success at GENIUS Olympiad 2014

Chemistry of State University of New York at Oswego. This year’s event attracted more than 800 projects prepared and presented by more than 300 students from 58 countries. Our students got Silver Medal in the Art Category with their movie about environment. We wholeheartedly congratulate the two students and their teachers on this great success....

September 6, 2017September 6, 2017by
Music House Comments from KG Campuses

Music House Comments from KG Campuses

In the month of July Horizon Int`l Kindergarten teachers and parents had an amazing annual program called “Music House”. To be familiar with the songs and understand how music works in teaching and learning, we sang the songs which are sung by the students in the classroom and did related activities. It was a fruitful...

September 6, 2017September 6, 2017by
Little Chef

Little Chef

One of the tastiest annual events organized by Horizon International Kindergartens, Little Chef, was held last week. Our goal for arranging such programs is to encourage parents to involve their children in everyday chores at home. By doing so, they would not only elevate their children’s confidence but also help them gain a sense of...

September 6, 2017September 6, 2017by
Helping Hands

Helping Hands

We would like to thank our parents for their support for the ‘Helping Hands’. As we all know, books, toys, clothes, food, money and etc were collected. Then we visited the orphanage together with the teachers and some parents. We had unforgettable moments as we witnessed the joy and happiness of the orphans. We are...

September 6, 2017September 6, 2017by