Our students Romeo (Tin Shwe) and Sulayman (Thura Htun) from year 10 were selected to play in the U19 MISAC All Star volleyball match! Congratulations on being selected and for representing BISA proudly!!!
Author: developer
Happy Ngwe Saung beach vacation of our SKT teachers and staff
Happy Ngwe Saung beach vacation of our SKT teachers and staff.
Enjoy every moment of student life
“Enjoy every moment of student life” Secondary students’ (Yr – 9) Bagan trip.
Mandalay Trip
Secondary students ( Yr – 7 & 8 ) visited to Mandalay which is the second largest city in Myanmar for their activity week.
Interesting Newsletter for the month of September & October
Our Year 7R students Khant Htet Aung & Kaung Myat Naing have produced interesting Newsletter for the month of September & October. Good Job done! More Newsletters will come soon!
Year 9P and Year8S Students’ Donation
Year 9P and Year8S Students’ Donation to Shwe Gone Dine Residential Nursery
Congratulations to our BISA students for a great effort
Congratulations to our BISA students for a great effort in the Science Olympiad in Malaysia!
Flying Kites: Hands-on Science
Flying Kites: Hands-on Science Kite flying is one of those great science activities where the kids can experience what’s happening while they have some fun.
Visit to Supermarket
Shu Khinn Thar International Kindergarten, Ms.Hanni had organised a field trip, ‘Visit to Supermarket’ for the students of Nursery section. Our students were taken to the Thaketa City Mart. All the teachers showed them different types of things and explained them. The students took a keen interest in learning more and more about them. The...