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NISA is privileged to administer the American Mathematics Olympaid (AMO)

NISA is privileged to administer the American Mathematics Olympaid (AMO)

NISA is privileged to administer the American Mathematics Olympaid (AMO) 2018 last Sunday, October 7, 2018 at NISA Campus. Among the participants were from ILBC, CAE, Wisdom Hill and our very own NISA students.This activity aims to develop better Maths students through contests. #AMO2018 #Mathwizard

Twelve MISA students went to China for IMSO

Twelve MISA students went to China for IMSO

Twelve MISA students went to China to take part in the International Maths and Science Olympiad (IMSO). Six students for science and six for mathematics competed with students from 22 different countries. This competition has been going on for fifteen years and it is the first year that Myanmar is represented. It was very challenging...

လြန္ဆြဲပြဲကို IB ေက်ာင္းသား/သူမ်ား , ဆရာမ်ားႏွင့္ ၀န္ထမ္းမ်ားမွ ပူးေပါင္းပါ၀င္၍ ၿပိဳင္ပြဲ ျပဳလုပ္

လြန္ဆြဲပြဲကို IB ေက်ာင္းသား/သူမ်ား , ဆရာမ်ားႏွင့္ ၀န္ထမ္းမ်ားမွ ပူးေပါင္းပါ၀င္၍ ၿပိဳင္ပြဲ ျပဳလုပ္

SKT International College မွ IB students မ်ား ဦးေဆာင္စီစဥ္ေသာ Tug of War ( လြန္ဆြဲပြဲ ) activity ကို IB ေက်ာင္းသား/သူမ်ား , ဆရာမ်ားႏွင့္ ၀န္ထမ္းမ်ားမွ ပူးေပါင္းပါ၀င္၍ ၿပိဳင္ပြဲ လုပ္ခဲ့ၾကပံုမ်ားျဖစ္ပါသည္။

SKT International College မွ Primary Students ( Year -5 ) ေက်ာင္းသား/သူမ်ား  ႏွင္းဆီကုန္းဘုိးဘြားရိပ္သာႀကီးသို႔ သြားေရာက္လ်ဴဒါန္း

SKT International College မွ Primary Students ( Year -5 ) ေက်ာင္းသား/သူမ်ား ႏွင္းဆီကုန္းဘုိးဘြားရိပ္သာႀကီးသို႔ သြားေရာက္လ်ဴဒါန္း

ကၽြနုု္ပ္တို႔ SKT International College မွ Primary Students ( Year -5 ) ေက်ာင္းသား/သူမ်ားသည္ ႏွင္းဆီကုန္းဘုိးဘြားရိပ္သာႀကီးသို႔ အလွဴေငြက်ပ္ ႏွစ္သိန္း ငါးေသာင္း ႏွစ္ေထာင္ ( ၂၅၂၀၀၀ ) က်ပ္တိတိအား သြားေရာက္ လွဴဒါန္းခဲ့ၾကပံုမ်ားျဖစ္ပါသည္။

September 28, 2018September 28, 2018by
Saturday’s MISA’s Got Talent event was a great success

Saturday’s MISA’s Got Talent event was a great success

Saturday’s MISA’s Got Talent event was a great success. Thank you to all those involved in putting this together, not least the participants, who showed off a great variety of talents including song, dance, musical instruments, karate, gymnastics and magic.